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1. Poultry house after birds removal. The poultry litter is a mixture of poultry manure and some type of inert material in this case wood shavings. At the end of the poultry production cycle, around 6 weeks, the litter have received the poultry manure from birds and in the surface some feathers. |
2. The poultry litter is removed mechanically. Normally 1 inch of poultry manure is removed each two cycles of poultry production. A complete recycle of the poultry litter is less frequent could be each 4 or 5 years. |
4. The capacity of this machine is approximately 4,000 pounds of poultry litter. |
5. Detail of the transport band that transfer the poultry litter from the ground to the |
7. The same machine spread the poultry litter over the field surface. |
8. The application of 1,000 kg of poultry litter can contribute with 38 kg of N but also could be an important source of other nutrients like phosphorus, potassium and magnesium and some micro-nutrients. |
9. Detail of the poultry litter field application. Notice that the size of the poultry litter peaces is not homogeneous and vary from big cluster to small dust particles. |
10. Grazing pastures is another important component of the system. The pasture should be able to retain much of the nitrate produced during the decomposition of the poultry litter. |
11. Animals feeding from the pasture are also recycling nutrients and retaining some in their bodies and depositing excreta less harmful than the poultry manure. |