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International Programs

  • 2010-present - Member, UF Extension Task Force, Modernizing Extension Advisory Services, Water & Livelihoods for the Middle East, USAID Project. Partners on this project include UC-Davis, Michigan State, NC A&T, and some major NGOs to help build extension service deliver information to the especially illiterate farmers in the middle east. Address the needs of the thousands of extension agents that only have BS degrees by developing a Training of Trainers program.

  • 2008-2012 - Collaborator, US-India Agricultural Knowledge Initiative (AKI) Research Project on Sustainable Water Management at three watersheds in India. Three watersheds were selected to represent the major geographical, climatic, physiographic zones and crops grown, with the collaboration of the local State Agricultural Universities and Research Institute. These research projects impact over 12.5 million hectares of rice production in India, and can potentially save over 125 million kilograms of recommended nitrogen fertilizer savings at an estimated 10% increase in uptake efficiency and enhanced water management.

  • 2007-present - International Soil and Plant Analysis Council, Vice-President/Board Member/ Technical Program Committee Member. This Council oversees the application of standardized methodology for soil and plant analyses internationally, and provides key liaison to the state Universities USEPA, USDA, etc. in the US. Helped organizing/presenting at the Symposia in Santa Rosa, CA, USA, Budapest, Hungary, Cancun, Mexico, Cape Town, South Africa, and Edmonton, Canada. Will officiate as the President of the Council from 2012-2014 and preside over the 13th International Symposium in Queenstown, New Zealand in April, 2013.

  • 2008 - Participated in AKI workshops at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, New Delhi and Ludhiana, Punjab on Sustainable Water Management. Held discussions with the researchers and officials at the ANGR Agricultural University, Punjab Agricultural University and Indian Agricultural Research Institute on local priorities with regard to water management; visited the potential research sites and selected one site at each of the locations.

  • 2007 - External Examiner, Ph.D. Student Dissertation on minimizing trace metal toxicity in soils, ViswaBharathi Shanti Niketan University, West Bengal, India.