Selected Refereed
Marupaka, V., R.S. Mylavarapu, J. Bergeron, Samuel Smidt, G. Hochmuth, E. van Santen. 2022. Comparing boron soil testing methods for coastal plain sandy soils. Comm. Soil Sci and Plant Anal.
Herrera, D*., R.S. Mylavarapu, W. Harris and J. Colee. 2022. Influence of Source on Relations Between Water-Soluble and other Forms of Extractable Phosphorus. Comm. Soil Sci. and Plant Anal.
Nan Xu*, J.H. Bhadha, A. Rabbany, S. Swanson, J.M. McCray, Y.C. Li, S. Strauss and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2021. Sugarcane bagasse amendments mitigate nutrient leaching from mineral soils under tropical humid conditions. Pedosphere (in print)
J. V. Zeghbroeck*, G. Liu, R. S. Mylavarapu and Y.C. Li. 2021. Phosphorus Management Strategies for Potato Production in Florida. American J. Potato Res.
Nan Xu*, J.H. Bhadha, A. Rabbany, S. Swanson, J.M. McCray, Y.C. Li, S. Strauss and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2021. Crop Nutrition and Yield Response of Bagasse Application on Sugarcane Grown on a Mineral Soil. Agronomy. 11:1526.
Zhang, H. …… Mylavarapu, R.S…. Wang, J. J. (2021). Soil-Test-Based Phosphorus and Potassium Rate Recommendations across the Southeastern USA, Soil Science Society of Amrerica Journal. SSSAJ S-2020-12-0379-SSI.
Xie, Y. B*. Rathinasabapathi, B. Schaffer, R.S. Mylavarapu, G. Liu. 2020. Phosphorus uptake and growth of wild-type barley and its root-hairless mutant cultured in buffered- and non-buffered-P solutions. Agronomy, 10:1556. doi: 10.3390/agronomy10101556
Jalpa, L*, R. Mylavarapu, G. Hochmuth, and A. Wright. 2020. Apparent Recovery and Efficiency of Nitrogen Fertilization in Tomato Grown on Sandy Soils. HortTech.
Bortolozo, F.R.** and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2019. Phosphorus Requirement for Irrigated Bush Beans Production on Coastal Plain Soils. J. Plant Nutrition. doi:10.1080/01904167.2018.1549679.
Collins, R.J.*, R. Mylavarapu, M.W. Clark, and T.Z. Osborne.2019. Soil Column Simulation of Natural Nutrient Flux after Short Term Inundation. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. doi: 10.2134/ael2019.01.0001.
Zhu, Q.*, M. Ozores-Hampton, Y. Li, K. Morgan, G. Liu and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Responses of Tomato to Potassium Rates in a Calcareous Soil. HortSci. 52:764–769.
Zhu, Q.*, M. Ozores-Hampton, Y. Li, K. Morgan, G. Liu and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Comparing Extractants for Calibrating Potassium Rates for Tomato Grown on a Calcareous Soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 81: 6: 1621-1628.
Zhu, Q.*, M. Ozores-Hampton, Y. Li, K. Morgan, G. Liu and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2017. Responses of Tomato to Potassium Rates in a Calcareous Soil. HortSci. 52:764–769.
Osmond, D., C. Bolster, A. Sharpley, M. Cabrera, S. Feagley, A. Forsberg, C. Mitchell, R. Mylavarapu, J. L. Oldham, D. E. Radcliffe, J. J. Ramirez-Avila, D.E. Storm, F. Walker and H. Zhang. 2017. Southern P Indices, Water Quality Data, and Modeling (APEX, APLE, and TBET) Results: A Comparison. J. Env. Qual. doi: 10.2134/JEQ2016.05.0200
Chavez, E.*, Z. L. He, P. J. Stoffella, R. Mylavarapu, Y. C. Li, and V. C. Baligar. 2016. Evaluation of soil amendments as a remediation alternative for cadmium-contaminated soils under cacao plantations. Environ. Sci. and Poll Res. doi: 10.1007/s11356-016-6931-7.
Dou, F**., A. Wight and R. Mylavarapu. 2016. Soil enzyme activity and organic matter composition affected by long-term cropping. Pedosphere, 26:618-625. doi:10.1016/S1002-0160(15)60070-4
Chavez, E.*, Z. He, P. Stoffella, R. Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, and V. Baligar. 2016. Chemical Speciation of Cadmium: An Approach to Evaluate Plant-Available Cadmium in Ecuadorian Soils under Cacao Production. Chemosphere. 150:57-62.
Dari, B.*, V. D. Nair**, W. G. Harris, P.K.R. Nair, L. Sollenberger, and R. Mylavarapu. 2016. Relative Influence of Soil- vs. Biochar Properties on Soil Phosphorus Retention. Geoderma. 280:82-87.
Dari, B.*, V. D. Nair**, J. Colee, W. G. Harris, and R. Mylavarapu 2015. Estimation of Isotherm Parameters: A Simple and Cost-effective Procedure. Frontiers in Env. Sci. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2015.00070
Chavez, E.*, Z. He, P. Stoffella, R. Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, and V. Baligar. 2015. Concentration of Cadmium in Cacao Beans and its Relationship with Soil Cadmium in Southern Ecuador. Science of the Total Environment. Ref. No.: STOTEN-D-15-01504R1.
Kadiyala, M.D.M.*, J.W. Jones, R. Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, M.D. Reddy and M. Umadevi. 2015. Study of Spatial Water Requirements of Rice under Various Crop Establishment Methods Using GIS and Crop Models. J. Agrometeorology. 17:1-10.
Acharya, S.* and R. Mylavarapu. 2015. Modeling Shallow Water Table Dynamics in the Field: Implementation of Distinct Drainable and Fillable Porosity. Agric. Water Management. 149:166-174.
Kadiyala, M.D.M.*, J.W. Jones, R. Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, and M.D. Reddy. 2015. Identifying Irrigation and Nitrogen Best Management Practices for Aerobic Rice-Maize Cropping System for Semi-Arid Tropics using CERES-Rice and Maize models. Agricultural Water Management. 149:23-32.
Winans, K.S*., K. L. Sahrawat, S. P. Wani, R. Mylavarapu, K. R. Reddy and E. A. Hanlon. 2015. Effects of Diversification of Rainfed Cropping Systems to Enhance Sustained Yields for Semi-Arid Tropical Agroecosystems: Effects of 11–Years of Farmers’ Practice. J. Indian Soc. Soil Sci. 63:166-172. doi: 10.5958/0974-0228.2015.00021.3
Kadiyala, M.D.M.*, R. Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, G.B. Reddy, K.R. Reddy and M.D. Reddy. 2014. Uptake Efficiency of 15N-Urea in Flooded and Aerobic Rice Fields under Semi-arid Conditions. Paddy and Water Environment. doi:10.1007/s10333-014-0473-8
Acharya, S*. J. Jawitz, and R. Mylavarapu. 2014. Evapotranspiration Estimation from Diurnal Water Table Fluctuations: Implementing Drainable and Fillable Porosity in the White Method. Vadose Zone J. 13. doi:10.2136/vzj2014.04.0048
R. Mylavarapu, T. Borisova, E. Momol and G. Israel. 2014. Use of Soil Tests for Residential Landscapes: A Survey of Soils Lab Open House participants in Alachua County, Florida. Journal of Extension. 52(1). 1RIB6.
Kadiyala, M.D.M.*, R. Mylavarapu, Y.C. Li, G.B. Reddy and M.D. Reddy. 2012. Impact of Aerobic Rice Cultivation on Growth, Yield and Water Productivity of Rice-Maize Rotation in Semi-Arid-Tropics. Agron. J. 104:1757-1765.
Osmond, D., A. Sharpley, C. Bolster, M. Cabrera, S. Feagley, B. Lee, C. Mitchell, R. Mylavarapu, L. Oldham, F. Walker, and H. Zhang. 2012. Comparing Phosphorus Indices from Twelve Southern U.S. States against Monitored Phosphorus Loads from Six Prior Southern Studies. J. Env. Qual. 41:1741-1749.
Acharya, S*, J. Jawitz and R. Mylavarapu. 2012. Analytical expressions for drainable and fillable porosity of phreatic aquifers under vertical fluxes from evapotranspiration and recharge. Water Resources Res. 48:1-15.
Sanchez, J.F.* and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2011. Potential nitrogen mineralization in sandy soils under long-term poultry litter management. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 42:424-434.
Acharya. S*. and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2011. Selected soil physical properties and implications on water management system in northeast Florida. Soil Sci. 176:1-8.
Wright, A.L. and R.S. Mylavarapu. 2010. Nutrient stratification in uncultivated and sugarcane-cultivated peatlands. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 41:2633-2643.
Mylavarapu R.S. 2009. Diagnostic nutrient testing. HortTech. 20:19-22.
Mylavarapu R.S. and G.M. Zinati**. 2009. Improvement of soil properties using compost for optimum parsley production in sandy soils. Sci. Hortic. 120:426-430.
Munoz-Arboleda F.*, R.S. Mylavarapu, C.M. Hutchinson, and K.M. Portier. 2008. Nitrate-N concentrations in the perched ground water under seepage-irrigated potato cropping systems. J. Environ. Quality. 37:387-394.
Worthington, C. M.*, K. M. Porter, J. M. White, R. S. Mylavarapu, T. A. Obreza, W. M. Stall and C. M. Hutchinson. 2007. Potato (Solanum tubersoum L.) yield and internal heat necrosis incidence under controlled-release and soluble nitrogen sources and leaching irrigation events. Amer. J. of Potato Res. 84:403-413.
Cohen, M.**, Mylavarapu, R.S., Lee. W.S. and Clark, M. 2007. Reflectance spectroscopy for routine agronomic soil analyses. Soil Sci. 172(6):569-485.
Osmond, D., M. Cabrera, S. Feagley, G. Hardee, C. Mitchell, P. Moore, R. Mylavarapu, J. Oldham, J. Stevens, W. Thom, F. Walker, and H. Zhang. 2006. Comparing southern phosphorus indices. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation. 61:325-337.
Munoz, F.*, Mylavarapu, R.S., Hutchinson, C. M. Portier, K.M. 2006. Root distribution under seepage-irrigated potatoes in northeast Florida. Amer. J. of Potato Res. 83:453-462.
Mylavarapu, R.S. and V.L. Quisenberry. 2005. Spatial distribution of drainage from uniform soil columns. Soil Sci. 170:38-46.
Munoz, F.*, R.S. Mylavarapu and C.M. Hutchinson. 2005. Environmentally responsible potato production systems- A review. J. Plant Nut. 28:1287-1309.
Mylavarapu, R.S., J.P.Smith and F. Munoz*. 2005. Soil and nutrient management influences on collards nutrition. HortTech. 15:163-168.