Towards the Development of Environmental Soil Phosphorus Critical Levels in Agricultural Soils of Puerto Rico
FAES Project Number: SWS-03865
Mylavarapu, R.S. (UF/IFAS); L. Olivieri, G. Martinez,
and D. Sotomayor (UPR)
Funding Agency: USDA- CBAG
Duration: Short
Both in PR and FL P sorption studies to determine water quality
Joseph Nguyen - Chemist
Goals and Objectives
Multiple studies have clearly established that there is a direct
relationship between the level of P in soil and that in surface
runoff water fraction with regards to environmental impact assessment.
However, the adaptation and validation of agronomic soil tests for
P for the establishment of environmentally based critical soil P
levels presents a series of challenges. This study aims to identify
and validate a method for environmental impact assessment for P
for similar soil types in Puerto Rico and Florida.
1. Establish relationships among the extracting capacities of various
agronomic soil test phosphorus methods, and the corresponding biologically
available P fractions, considering the mineralogical and chemical
characteristics of soils of different pedogenic origin and varying
P status.
2. Quantify the P associated with runoff and sediment in two soils
of contrasting mineralogy under different rainfall patterns and
soil status, and establish relationships between their runoff P
losses and their corresponding soil test values.
3. Utilize a GIS to display an environmental classification index
of different regions of the land, based on their P status, and specific
climatologic, topographic, and soil chemical data.