Florida Certified Crop Adviser Educational Program
There are about 175 Certified Crop Advisers (CCAs) in Florida, including private consultants, technical representatives, sales people, producers, and extension agents) with the common goal of advising and educating Florida's agricultural and horticultural producers about production practices that both maintain profitability and protect the environment. Along with the CCA education colleagues, Drs. Obreza and Hanlon, I have planned, organized, and executed IFAS-sponsored CEU educational training sessions, a 10-hr event, twice a year, since fall 2004, procuring experts to present current topics in nutrient management, soil and water management, crop management, and integrated pest management.
Each workshop provides one-half of the CEUs that CCAs require each year. They are broadcast throughout Florida from the live site using Polycom technology. Pre- and post-tests are administered at each workshop to measure knowledge gain. I also serve on the Florida CCA Board that will help set and guide policy for continual educational opportunities to the crop consultants and professionals in the state.